

2020-04-12 15:50


  U型亚新(中国)官网是一种异型亚新(中国)官网制品,普通的钢化炉很难对其进行钢化处理(成品率低和钢化均匀性差)。因此,在国内绝大部分应用的U 型亚新(中国)官网是退火亚新(中国)官网而不是钢化亚新(中国)官网。钢化亚新(中国)官网是安全亚新(中国)官网,而退火亚新(中国)官网不是安全亚新(中国)官网,因而普通U 型亚新(中国)官网的应用受到限制。但是U 型亚新(中国)官网是一种形状和性质都很特殊的制品,与普通平板亚新(中国)官网有很大差异。所以,有必要对普通U 型亚新(中国)官网的安全性做细致的研究,以便为建筑设计、产品应用提供充分的依据。本研究报告所提及的U 型亚新(中国)官网,均指未经钢化处理的普通U 型亚新(中国)官网。


  亚新(中国)官网的安全性主要是指亚新(中国)官网抗破坏的能力及破坏后对人身伤害的程度。现有有关亚新(中国)官网的国际及国内标准中,一般用弯曲强度、落球冲击性能、霰弹袋及双轮胎冲击性能3项试验指标来衡量(钢化亚新(中国)官网还有碎片状态指标)。本研究中,也主要以此3项试验为基础,通过合理的试验方案设置(详见第四章),来对U 型亚新(中国)官网的各项有关安全性指标进行详尽测试。作为对比,将对平板亚新(中国)官网(浮法亚新(中国)官网、钢化亚新(中国)官网)进行相同条件下的检验。通过实验数据的对比、分析,对U 型亚新(中国)官网的安全性作出客观的评价。








  从U 型亚新(中国)官网和平板亚新(中国)官网的弯曲强度,发现翼面朝上时,其强度仅为浮法亚新(中国)官网强度的1/2左右,是钢化亚新(中国)官网强度的1/6左右;翼面朝下时,其强度略大于浮法亚新(中国)官网的强度,大致是钢化亚新(中国)官网强度的1/3。

  U型亚新(中国)官网的强度计算考虑了其两翼的截面积,加之其压延生产工艺造成的微缺陷较多,所以强度比浮法亚新(中国)官网要低。考虑U 型亚新(中国)官网在实际建筑设计和应用时,往往只按腹板面积计算承载,所以在此也按同投影面积(即只按承载力和腹板面积)计算了U 型亚新(中国)官网强度,我们称之为等效弯曲强度。

按此计算6mm厚U 型亚新(中国)官网强度,翼面朝上时,其强度为浮法亚新(中国)官网强度的8倍,为钢化亚新(中国)官网强度的3倍;翼面朝下时,其强度为浮法亚新(中国)官网强度的4倍,为钢化亚新(中国)官网强度的1.5倍;7mm厚U 型亚新(中国)官网强度还要更高一些。




  在以下标准中涉及了亚新(中国)官网的落球冲击。在G B 15763.2-2005《建筑用安全亚新(中国)官网第2部分:钢化亚新(中国)官网》标准中,是用1040g 钢球在1m 高度进行冲击;在G B 15763.2-2009《建筑用安全亚新(中国)官网第3部分:夹层亚新(中国)官网》标准中,是用1040g 和2260g 钢球在各个高度冲击夹层亚新(中国)官网,看其在亚新(中国)官网破碎后胶片是否暴露;在G B 9656-2003《汽车安全亚新(中国)官网》标准中,有两个落球冲击试验:一个是用2260g 钢球在4m 高度冲击夹层亚新(中国)官网,看其是否穿透;一个是用227g 钢球冲击夹层或钢化亚新(中国)官网,冲击高度根据亚新(中国)官网品种和厚度确定,钢化亚新(中国)官网的冲击高度为2m 或2.5m ,夹层亚新(中国)官网冲击高度在8.5m ~12m ,看钢化亚新(中国)官网是否破碎或夹层亚新(中国)官网剥落碎片质量是否超标。以上标准均等同或修改采用国际标准,在指标上与国际标准完全一致。

  在综合以上标准要求的情况下,制定如下试验方案:分别采用227g 、1040g 和2260g 钢球,对U 型亚新(中国)官网构件的冲击点进行冲击,冲击高度由低到高逐渐增加,直至构件的上片亚新(中国)官网破碎或构件穿透。作为对比,对610mm×610mm的浮法亚新(中国)官网及钢化亚新(中国)官网进行落球冲击试验,冲击高度由低到高,直至破碎。

  2 .试验结果


  U型亚新(中国)官网采用压延方法生产,相对于浮法工艺,其表面及亚新(中国)官网内部含有更多的微缺陷,因而在受到机械力如冲击等作用时相对容易损坏。从U 型亚新(中国)官网冲击试验结果和平板亚新(中国)官网冲击试验结果的比较可以看出,U 型亚新(中国)官网冲击破碎高度比同厚度的平板亚新(中国)官网略低,这主要是由该产品生产工艺所决定的。对于由U 型亚新(中国)官网组合的构件,在腹板中心和边缘的冲击破碎高度大致相同。

  U型亚新(中国)官网通常组合成构件使用,当采用搭扣形式组合时,虽然上片的破碎高度和单片时相同,但整个构件的穿透高度大大提高。两块6mm或7mm厚U 型亚新(中国)官网227g 钢球的穿透高度达到7000mm,相当于6mm钢化亚新(中国)官网的抗冲击水平;1040g 钢球的穿透高度达到1000mm以上,相当于8mm浮法亚新(中国)官网的抗冲击水平;6mm厚U 玻搭扣构件2260g 钢球的穿透高度达到800mm,相当于6mm浮法亚新(中国)官网的抗冲击水平。

  当U型亚新(中国)官网腹板内侧贴有有机膜时,227g 钢球的穿透高度达到12000mm以上,相当于8mm以上钢化亚新(中国)官网的抗冲击水平(受试验设备限制,12m 是最高冲击极限);1040g 钢球的穿透高度达到7000mm以上,相当于8mm钢化亚新(中国)官网的抗冲击水平。



  1.优异的承载能力:翼面朝向影响承载力的大小,翼面受压应力时U 型亚新(中国)官网承载力是受张应力时的1.5~2倍。承载力随亚新(中国)官网厚度增加而增加,7mm厚U 型亚新(中国)官网承载力是6mm的1.6~2.2倍。和同投影面积的浮法亚新(中国)官网及钢化亚新(中国)官网相比,U 型亚新(中国)官网具有优异的承载能力:翼面受压应力时U 型亚新(中国)官网承载力是同厚度浮法亚新(中国)官网的8.8倍,钢化亚新(中国)官网的2.8倍;翼面张压应力时U 型亚新(中国)官网承载力是同厚度浮法亚新(中国)官网的4.4倍,钢化亚新(中国)官网的1.7倍。

  2.高的等效弯曲强度:翼面受张应力时U 型亚新(中国)官网的弯曲强度是翼面受压应力时的2倍;强度是材料特性的表征,U 型亚新(中国)官网的弯曲强度与厚度无关。翼面受张应力时U 型亚新(中国)官网的弯曲强度与同厚度浮法亚新(中国)官网相当;翼面受压应力时U 型亚新(中国)官网的弯曲强度是同厚度浮法亚新(中国)官网的1/2。按同投影面积计算的U 型亚新(中国)官网的弯曲强度,翼面受压应力时是同厚度浮法亚新(中国)官网的8倍;翼面受张应力时是同厚度浮法亚新(中国)官网的4倍。





  即仅冲击点所在的U 型亚新(中国)官网破坏,周边亚新(中国)官网单元保持完好。相比普通亚新(中国)官网构件具有破坏范围小的特点,有助于降低亚新(中国)官网破碎时对人员的伤害程度。

The necessity of study on the safety of u-shaped glass is a kind of special-shaped glass product, which is difficult to be tempered by ordinary tempering furnace (low yield and poor tempering uniformity) . Therefore, the majority of u shaped glass used in China is annealed glass, not toughened glass. Toughened glass is safety glass, but annealed glass is not safety glass, so the application of ordinary u glass is limited. However, u-shaped glass is a very special shape and properties of the products, and ordinary flat glass is very different. Therefore, it is necessary to do a detailed study on the safety of ordinary u-shaped glass in order to provide a sufficient basis for architectural design and product application. The u-shaped glass mentioned in this study refers to ordinary untempered u-shaped glass. The technical route of U-GLASS safety research, the safety of glass mainly refers to the ability of glass to resist damage and the degree of personal injury after damage. The existing international and domestic standards for glass are generally used to measure the bending strength, drop-ball impact performance, shotgun bag and twin-tire impact performance (toughened glass and debris state) . In this study, based on these three tests, the safety indexes of U-GLASS are tested in detail by reasonable test scheme (see chapter 4) . For comparison, flat glass (float glass, toughened glass glass) will be tested under the same conditions. Through the comparison and analysis of the experimental data, the security of u-shaped glass is objectively evaluated. Safety test of u-shaped glass, bearing capacity and Bending Strength 1. Sample and test plan 2. The result of the experiment. The test results show that the load-carrying capacity and bending strength of glass can be used to describe its resistance to static load, such as wind load, Snow load, structural stress, installation stress, etc. . The bearing capacity is the maximum load and the unit of force that the glass can bear before the whole glass is destroyed, and the bending strength is the maximum stress that the glass can bear on the unit section area before the glass is destroyed. From the bending strength of U-GLASS and plate glass, it is found that the strength of the wing is only about 1 / 2 of that of the float glass and about 1 / 6 of that of the toughened glass glass when the wing face is up, and that when the wing face is down, it is slightly stronger than float glass and is roughly a third the strength of toughened glass. The strength of u-shaped glass is lower than that of float glass because of the cross-sectional area of both wings and the micro-defects caused by calendering process. Considering the fact that u-shaped glass is usually only calculated by the area of web in the actual design and application of buildings, the strength of u-shaped glass is also calculated by the same projection area (that is, only by the bearing capacity and the area of Web) , we call this equivalent bending strength. According to this calculation, the strength of 6 mm thick U shaped glass is 8 times as strong as that of float glass and 3 times as strong as that of toughened glass glass when the wing face up, and 4 times as strong as that of float glass and 1.5 times as strong as that of toughened glass when the wing face down The 7 mm thick U-GLASS is even stronger. Drop Shot 1. The object of a drop-ball impact test is to determine whether a glass or glass member maintains a certain minimum strength or bond strength (for laminated glass) . The impact of a falling ball on glass is covered in the following standards. In GB 15763.2-2005, safety glass for buildings-part 2: toughened glass, 1040g steel balls are used for impact at 1 m height; in GB 15763.2-2009, safety glass for buildings-part 3: Laminated Glass, 1040g and 2260g steel balls are used to impact laminated glass at various heights to see if the film is exposed after the glass is broken, there are two drop impact tests: one is to impact laminated glass with a 2260g steel ball at a height of 4M to see if it penetrates; the other is to impact laminated glass or toughened glass with a 227g steel ball, the impact height being determined according to the type and thickness of glass, the impact height of the toughened glass is 2m or 2.5 m, and the impact height of the laminated glass is 8.5 m ~ 12m, to see whether the toughened glass is broken or whether the quality of the laminated glass flakes exceeds the standard. All the above standards are equal to or modified to adopt international standards, and are fully consistent with international standards in terms of indicators. In the case of synthesizing the above standard requirements, the following test schemes are formulated: Steel Balls of 227g, 1040g and 2260g are respectively used to impact the impact points of u-shaped glass members, and the impact height increases gradually from low to high, until the upper piece of glass of the member breaks or the member penetrates. As a contrast, the impact test of 610mm 610mm float glass and toughened glass was carried out, and the impact height was from low to high, until it was broken. 2. The results show that U-GLASS is produced by calendering method, and its surface and interior of glass contain more micro-defects than that of float process, so it is easy to be damaged by mechanical force such as impact. From the comparison between the impact test results of u-shaped glass and flat glass, it can be seen that the impact crushing height of u-shaped glass is slightly lower than that of flat glass of the same thickness, which is mainly determined by the production process of the product. For u-shaped glass composite members, the impact fracture height at the center and edge of the web is approximately the same. U-shaped glass is usually combined to form a component, when using the form of HASP combination, although the upper piece of the same breaking height and single piece, but the penetration height of the whole component is greatly enhanced. The penetration height of 227g steel balls with thickness of 6 mm or 7 mm u glass is 7000mm, which is equivalent to the impact level of 6mm toughened glass, and that of 1040g steel balls is over 1000mm, which is equivalent to the impact level of 8mm float glass The penetration height of 2260g steel ball of U Glass Hasp with thickness of 6mm is 800mm, which is equivalent to the impact resistance level of 6mm float glass. When the inner side of u-shaped glass web is covered with organic film, the penetration height of 227g steel ball is over 12000mm, which is equivalent to the impact resistance level of over 8mm toughened glass (limited by test equipment, 12m is the maximum impact limit) ; The 1040G steel ball has a penetration height of over 7000mm, which is equivalent to the impact resistance level of 8mm toughened glass. U-shaped glass is a kind of building material, through the bending of the two wings to achieve ordinary flat glass does not have the special performance: 1. Excellent load-bearing capacity: the load-bearing capacity of u-type glass under compressive stress is 1.5 ~ 2 times of that under tensile stress. The bearing capacity of 7 mm thick u-shaped glass is 1.6 ~ 2.2 times of 6 mm. Compared with the float glass and the toughened glass glass with the same projection area, the u-type glass has excellent bearing capacity: 8.8 times and 2.8 times as much as the float glass with the same thickness under compressive stress on the wing surface; The load carrying capacity of u-type glass is 4.4 times and 1.7 times of that of float glass with the same thickness under tension and compression stress on the wing surface, respectively, compared with that of toughened glass glass. 2. High Equivalent Bending Strength: The bending strength of u-type glass under tensile stress is 2 times as that of the wing under compressive stress; the strength is a characterization of material properties, and the bending strength of u-type glass is independent of thickness. The bending strength of U-GLASS under tensile stress is equal to that of float glass of the same thickness, and the bending strength of U-GLASS under compressive stress is 1 / 2 of that of float glass of the same thickness. The bending strength of u-shaped glass calculated by the same projection area is 8 times as much as that of the float glass with the same thickness under compressive stress and 4 times that of the float glass with the same thickness under tensile stress. The penetration resistance of u-shaped glass is improved when the u-shaped glass is combined with buckles and coated with film. The impact resistance of u-shaped glass is lower than that of float glass with the same thickness. When U Type Glass Hasp is used together, especially with organic film, the anti-falling Ball, especially small steel ball, can be penetrated more effectively, and the failure load of inner glass is much higher than that of the same thickness toughened glass; The damage load of the inner glass sheet of the laminated glass component is equivalent to the same thickness of float glass under impact of shotgun bag and double tire. U-GLASS as a stand-alone